The Northern Neighbors service area includes the Borough of Watsontown, the Village of Dewart and parts of Delaware Township. The PA DEP approved the Act 537 Plan which provided for the abandonement of the existing Delaware Township and Watstontown Borough WWTP’s and ultimatelty connects these wastewater collection systems into the Milton WWTP via forcemain. There is a newly constructed Watsontown pump station and a new Dewart Pump Station which now sends the wastewater flow to the MRSA facility. The MRSA has taken over the maintenance and operation of these pump stations, several other pump stations and the collection system in this area and assumed the responsibility of billing the Borough of Watsontown and the Delaware Township sewer customers. This project was financed by a $2.3 million PENNVEST grant and a $7.5 million PENNVEST loan.
Please see the Billing Information page regarding the new billing rates.